[Meetup] Hosting Data Science & AI #18 – The Human Side of Data Governance

Meetup Gruppe Nürnberg Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Meetup Data Science & AI

For the first event after the summer break, we will dive deep into data governance and it’s human side with an absolute expert of the field. We’re hosted for the second time by the awesome folks at inovex. You can look forward to insightful talks, fruitful discussions, and the best pizza in Erlangen.


  • 18:00 Welcome with Lukas Spranger and Arne Wellnitz
  • 18:15 – Tiankai FengThe Human Side of Data Governance
  • 19:15 – New! Interactive Lightning Talks: From the Community, For the Community
  • Networking with Pizza and Drinks

Talk: The Human Side of Data Governance

From all the aspects of data governance, the people part is always the hardest – but also the most rewarding. Navigating collaboration, communication and creativity takes an extensive amount of patience and empathy, but we can all do it. Learn about approaches, methods and concrete examples about how resistance can be reduced and managed, and how the value of data governance can be identified, realized and communicated for maximum impact.

Tiankai is the Data Strategy & Data Governance Lead at Thoughtworks Europe. With 11+ years experiences in Data Analytics, Data Governance and Data Strategy, he found a passion for the human aspect of data: how to collaborate, communicate and be creative around data. He is passionate about making data more understood, approachable and fun through unconventional methods like music and memes.

Your name here, Interactive Lightning Talks
Engage in our dynamic new format where anyone can take the stage! Give your own little talk, pitch your product idea, introduce your favorite algorithm, AI tool, or programming technique. Get ready for some engaging and dynamic sessions designed for rapid learning and idea exchange. And bring your own thoughts and perspectives to share!

Post-Talks – Networking with Pizza and Drinks
As usual, follow up the talks with some quality networking time, enjoying Pizza and drinks with fellow data science enthusiasts and professionals from our community.

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