[Meetup] The AOSP and AAOS November meetup

The AOSP and AAOS Meetup

Unser Kollege Stefan Lengfeld wird bei diesem Online Meetup mit seinem Talk „Adventures with Systrace – measure and investigate the glass to glass latency in Android“ dabei sein.

Folgende Agenda erwartet euch:

19:00 Welcome and introduction

19:30 Talk 1: Working with custom Android devices
In this session you will learn the most important parts of working on custom devices. We will cover things like developers boards, board support packages, AOSP builds, firmware updates, and much more.
Erik Hellman

20:00 Talk 2: Adventures with Systrace – measure and investigate the glass to glass latency in Android
What is the glass to glass latency in Android? This means how much delay is between the camera, taking a picture, and the screen, to display the picture again. This presentation is a technical tour through the Android graphics system and hardware. From the measurement setup, based on cables, LEDs, photodiodes and an oscilloscope, to camera sensors and the rolling shutter effect, to displays and refresh rates, to surfaceflinger and vsyncs, and last but not least to the ultimate tool to debug most of your performance issues, to Android’s systrace.
Stefan Lengfeld, inovex

20:30 Time for networking

20:45 Wrap-up

21:00 Session ends


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