Data & AI Strategies

Together, we’ll develop a holistic data and AI strategy tailored to your specific business goals.

Your Data & AI Strategy

With inovex as your partner

Many Years of Expertise in Data & AI

We’ve been developing data and AI solutions for over 20 years. We’d be delighted to help you successfully implement your plans.

Identifying Potential

We’ll work with you to analyse your current products and processes and identify potential use cases for your data and AI transformation.

Data & AI Roadmap

We’ll help you create a roadmap for your data strategy. Together, we’ll define phases and milestones, as well as metrics to enable you to visualise your progress.

Data & AI Product Development

We’ll help you to develop and successfully implement new use cases for your data.

Training & Enablement

We’ll support you in establishing a “data culture” in your company. We are happy to pass on our knowledge to you in individual training sessions and workshops.

Partner-Based Collaboration

Partner-based collaboration is one of our core values. Our goal is to work with you to develop sustainable solutions.

Strategy Development with inovex

You’ll benefit from our many years of experience and comprehensive expertise as we accompany you on your journey to becoming a data-orientated company. We’ll help you develop an appropriate, holistic data and AI strategy.

We’ll work with you to create a data and AI vision which will serve as your company’s overarching guide. In creating this vision, we’ll focus on helping you generate value from data and artificial intelligence in future to support your business’s overarching goals.

We’ll analyse your company’s current situation. We’ll look at your infrastructure and technology landscape, analyse your data sources and streams, and determine your company’s analytical maturity level. We also want to better understand your company’s operations and processes, as well as your staff’s expertise and capabilities with regard to data and artificial intelligence. Only then can we identify the steps needed to achieve your vision.

We’ll work with you to analyse your current products and processes and identify potential use cases for your data and AI transformation. Together, we’ll prioritise those initiatives which will deliver rapid results for your business and support its future development.

Based on the status quo analysis and the gaps identified, as well as the prioritised use cases, we’ll develop a realistic, workable roadmap. We’ll work with you to define phases and milestones, as well as metrics to enable us to visualise our progress. This roadmap will serve as your company’s guide. It is, however, important that it is regularly reevaluated and adjusted in accordance with agile principles.

Leverage Our Expertise for Your Strategy

We’ll use our expertise in agile working methods and a wide range of custom-tailored workshops to help you define your goals and create an initial roadmap for your project.

Successful Software Projects & Industry Expertise

Over the past two decades, we have successfully completed a wide range of data projects for our customers. Browse a selection of our case studies and discover the industries where we are currently active.

Foto von Yaren Sahin, Sales

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Yaren Sahin
Account Manager New Business
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I look forward to your inquiry.

Yaren Sahin

Plan your data & AI strategy with us

Create added value and leverage the untapped potential of your data.

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Foto von Yaren Sahin, Sales
Yaren Sahin
Account Manager New Business
Florian Wilhelm
Head of Data Science, Contact for Data Management & Analytics