Datamonster - Professional Association for SQL Server

Logo von DatamonsterDatamonster e.V. supports the Microsoft SQL Server Community in Germany as an independent, non-commercial platform and is part of the Datamonster International Community with 45,000 members. The association used to operate under the name PASS e.V., but changed its name following the insolvency of PASS Global. In the association’s own words: ‘The name change is accompanied by a facelift of the website and the branding. What will not change, however, is the work we do in the regions, where our Monsterkeepers (formerly known as RGV) will continue to endeavour to provide you with new, exciting topics on the one hand and to create a space where you can exchange ideas with like-minded data professionals from your region on the other.’ The association attaches great importance to personal contact between SQL Server experts and organises numerous meetings in various regions of Germany.

Datamonster e. V. Website

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Silvia Hinse

Public Relations & Cooperations