Our Services

With a portfolio of integrated services to make companies fit for the future, inovex is a one-stop shop for digital success.

The playing field of the future is digital, and the digital transformation means that the economy’s social framework is changing rapidly and fundamentally. Digitally enriched business models, digital consumers, and digital employees require different methods, technologies, and ways of thinking from those used in the traditional world. Companies must act if they want to continue to be successful. The key to this process of change lies in IT, which is no longer a cost centre, but a driver of development. As an IT service provider, we enable our customers to succeed on the digital playing field – methodically, technologically, and strategically.

Our references

Read selected case studies of projects that we have realized for arvato, Bosch, dm-drogerie markt, Fonic, Hussel, ProSiebenSat.1 and Rewe, among others.

Our co-workers

Get to know our experts. In short interviews, they talk about their everyday lives and what it’s like to work at inovex.

Expert knowledge

Our experts are happy to share their knowledge by giving talks at conferences, writing specialist articles or “letting off steam” in our blog, e.g. on topics such as agile, cloud, DevOps, machine learning, search, security and much more …

How we work

We want our customers to see tangible results quickly. Regardless of whether it is a small task or a major project. We want to create trust right from the start through transparency, regular feedback and predictable costs. That is why we have been working according to agile principles since the very beginning.

Reach out to our Sales Team

Benjamin Rader

Silke Hippmann

Etienne Thoma

Yaren Sahin

Jürgen Rother