School of AI

The School of AI is a non-profit organization working on a global scale.Its mission is to inspire people to learn how to make a positive impact on the world using AI technology.

Logo der School of AISo far there are more than 15 Schools of AI in different cities of Germany and more than 400 worldwide. Every city has up to two so called ‘Deans’, who are the organizers of their local events and the first person you can contact if you want to get in touch with the School of AI.

The School of AI provides online courses accessible for free, as well as the possibility to work on projects in small study groups. Furthermore it organizes meetups with talks related to cutting-edge AI technologies. Alongside that the School of AI participates in the process of establishing ethical guidelines for the use of AI, inspiring women to start working in the fields of computer science and AI and publishing research papers.

Thanks to inovex, the School of AI in Cologne has a location to meet frequently and share knowledge. Currently there is a group of around 10 people, meeting usually once a week, working on exciting projects and discussing research papers. If you want to be part of the School of AI community, get in touch with one of your local Deans. You can find a Dean map on the official School of AI website and one specifically for the German community.

Who is organizing this?

Julian Hatzky is the Dean of the Cologne School of AI. He is a working-student at inovex since November 2018, studying Computer Science at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. Julian loves to work on Machine Learning and Data Science related projects and to discuss ethics of Artificial Intelligence, the latest papers and major achievements.

More about the School of AI:

Zur Website der School of AI

Get in touch!

Silvia Hinse

Public Relations & Cooperations