How We Work

We want our customers to experience rapid and – more importantly – tangible success.

Our experts and teams support them in this aim agilely, transparently, and honestly, whether in smaller sub-projects or large-scale ventures. 

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is one of our company’s core values. It is, therefore, important to us to treat our customers as partners, to be open and transparent with them, and to share our team spirit with them. In our projects, we are more than merely external co-workers or third-party contractors. Instead, we enthusiastically integrate ourselves wherever needed into our customers’ teams, work alongside them, demonstrate innovative solutions, add to their employees’ knowledge, and celebrate their project successes with them.

Always the right setting

In order to provide the right kind of support for our customers, our experts work in a tremendous variety of customer environments. Whatever the project setting, agile methodology is always the core of our collaboration, enabling us to react quickly and flexibly to our customers’ requirements.

A fully staffed inovex team for your projects

Wolke, die Profile mit verschiedenen Fähigkeiten umschließt als 'Team inovex' zeigt mit der Schrift 'Know-How' auf Personen, die 'Ihr Projektteam' darstellen

We are always happy to work alongside our customers in integrated teams. Sometimes, however, in-house resources are limited or are needed elsewhere. In such cases, we can put together entire teams of inovexperts in the fields of Architecture/Infrastructure, Design/User Experience, and Development and Organisation (Scrum Masters / Product Owners) who can tackle the project.

A fully staffed inovex Scrum team brings a number of benefits:

In vielen unserer Projekte ergänzen und unterstützen wir Kunden bei bestimmten Aufgaben. Ob methodisch, um agil zu arbeiten, technologisch, um die Expertise im Team zu ergänzen, oder auch strategisch, um neue Ziele und Aufgaben zu definieren.

Dafür können einzelne oder mehrere unserer Expert:innen in die Teams unserer Kunden integriert werden und sie punktgenau unterstützen.

Wenn bei unseren Kunden zum Beispiel bestimmte einzelne Scrum-Rollen nicht aus ihrer eigenen Organisation heraus besetzt werden können, helfen inovex-Mitarbeiter:innen gern, diesen Engpass zu überbrücken.

Wir sind jedoch davon überzeugt, dass eine agile Transformation nur gelingen kann, wenn das Wissen und die Kompetenzen auch intern beim Kunden aufgebaut werden. Unser Ansatz zielt daher darauf ab, diese Fähigkeiten langfristig innerhalb der Organisation unserer Kunden zu etablieren.

It frees up company resources for other important projects.

We provide a well-versed, collaborative team, and the project gathers speed more quickly. Roles and working methods are clearly defined from the very outset.

During the project, we add our expertise to our customers’: this knowledge and experience enables customers to continue working self-sufficiently once the project is completed.

Our teams are put together from a pool of over 450 experts. These provide a flexible, end-to-end skillset which can be adapted “on the fly” to new requirements.

Individual inovex experts enhance customer teams

In many of our projects, we support our customers in specific tasks. We can enhance customer teams by providing training in agile methods, specific technology expertise to supplement a team’s own skillset, or strategic assistance in defining new goals and tasks.
We do this by integrating one or more of our experts into a customer team to provide support precisely where it is needed.

If, for example, our customers have particular Scrum roles that they cannot fill from their own ranks, inovex employees are always happy to bridge these gaps.
We are, however, convinced that an agile transformation can only be achieved when the customers’ employees’ knowledge and expertise levels are also increased. Our approach therefore aims to establish these competencies within our customers’ organisations for the long term.

We use agile methods

We aim to provide our customers with rapid, tangible success, whether on smaller jobs or in larger-scale projects. For this reason, we became an early adopter of agile principles. 

Working agilely enables us to build trust with our customers by demonstrating maximum transparency from the very beginning. We use regular feedback and the immediate results achieved through incremental product development to ensure that customers are actively involved in every project, and we share with them their project’s progress and successes.

Get in touch!

Tobias Joch

Managing Director

The direct line to our sales team

Benjamin Rader

Jürgen Rother

Etienne Thoma

Yaren Sahin