inovex Vision

Our vision explains what we do and what is important to us. It sets the framework for our daily work and for the collaboration with our customers, partners and communities.

Innovation & Excellence

We are enthusiastic about innovative technologies and methods, whether in our customer projects or in the further development of our company. For optimal solutions, we use both proven and cutting-edge technologies.

We see ourselves as an integral part of the digital transformation, which we have been accompanying for years and also want to help shape in the future so that everyone can benefit from it.

Customer Satisfaction

With our strategic, methodological and technological expertise, we help our customers to meet the complex challenges of digitization and to use the resulting opportunities. In doing so, we are a long-term partner at eye level, from the initial concept to productive use.

In this way, we achieve ambitious goals together with our customers as a team.


Culture & Community

Open and friendly interaction with each other is an important prerequisite for our cooperation – even if we sometimes disagree. We think diversity is great and are committed to individual well-being. We take this diversity into account in our decisions and let it flow into our development.

We shape inovex together to create an environment where everyone enjoys working day by day. And if you want to do something with your colleagues beyond the job, you will find many offers.


Sustainability is an important criterion in our decisions – as a service provider and employer. We actively act sustainable in order to assume comprehensive responsibility for ourselves and our customers as well as for society.

To our customers, this means that we build adaptable and future-proof solutions to offer them products with a long service life.

As a company, we are aware of our social and environmental impact and use our opportunities to make a positive contribution to society.

Value Balance


Everything we do serves a balance of values between the satisfaction of our customers, our employees and our profitability.

Our work in this dynamic field produces individual solutions that take everyone’s needs into account.

We are committed to this.
With enthusiasm and passion.
Every day.

Get in touch!

Stephan Müller

Managing Director

Get in touch!

Tobias Joch

Managing Director