inovex is a HiveMQ Partner

Logo von Hive MQHiveMQ serves as a broker for the MQTT communications protocol. This protocol facilitates the processing of large volumes of data from equipment, devices and applications connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). This is particularly useful for industrial IoT solutions, as it enables the huge volumes of data often involved in such applications to be scalably and securely transferred.

Our technology partnership with HiveMQ enables us to offer our customers a high-performance MQTT broker which facilitates the faster, more efficient development of IoT solutions. We also work with HiveMQ to offer training courses and consulting services.

Hive MQ Website

„In my opinion, inovex offers excellent consulting and implementation services – especially for cloud-native technologies such as Azure and Kubernetes. I can fully rely on the inovex team because they are consistently geared towards the requirements of our customers: technology-neutral, cooperative, professional.“

Dominik Obermaier

CTO bei HiveMQ

Best Practices for Operating HiveMQ and MQTT on Kubernetes

inovexler Christian Rohmann and Matthias Hofschen (HiveMQ) have written an extensive white paper with best practices.

Get in touch!

Andreea Balota

Partner Manager