IT solutions for the healthcare sector

Digitalisation in the healthcare sector helps to focus patient care even more on the individual and to simplify processes for both staff and patients.

Person trägt Brille, Mundschutz, weiße Jacke, blaue Handschuhe, ein Stethoskop und in der Hand ein Tablet

Our range of services for the healthcare industry

We adapt every solution to your needs!
Zwei Personen schauen auf einen Würfel, den eine der Personen hält und etwas einställt

Medical Device Software

We develop innovative and secure medical software for you in accordance with current standards and guidelines and support you throughout the entire product life cycle.

Ein blaues stethoskop und ein Laptop liegen auf einem Tisch.


Our e-health offering is specifically designed to meet the needs of hospitals and healthcare facilities. We are also happy to support you with the formalities surrounding Germany’s Hospital Future Act (KHZG).

Zwei Personen schauen auf einen Bildschirm

Data science

Using data analysis and machine learning, we help to improve staff scheduling, intelligently manage bed utilisation or make information on patients available more quickly.

Zwei lächelnde Personen stehen neben einer Glaswand, auf die gelbe und orangene Post-Its geklebt wurden

Front end

With modern patient portals, you can focus your services more closely on the individual and provide your patients with personalised information about their treatment.

Eine Person sitzt

Embedded Systems

Innovative medical products usually depend on intelligent embedded systems. We support you during development, introduction and beyond.

Digitalisation in practice

Our healthcare case studies

ARCUS Hospitals and Medical Practices: Development of a Digital Patient Portal

For the ARCUS clinics and practices, inovex has created a new digital patient portal that not only enables patients to book appointments digitally, but also makes all information about their treatment plan accessible. At the same time, administration was made easier for the clinic staff.


ARCUS Hospitals and Medical Practices: Interview on the digitalisation project

We interviewed Ralf Lehnert, Head of IT at ARCUS Hospitals and Medical Practices, and Meliha Müller, Scrum Master & Product Discovery Coach at inovex, about their joint projects.


Questions on digitalisation of the healthcare industry

Our administrative systems have evolved over time. How can we switch to a new system as quickly as possible?

Old legacy systems rarely fit the modern management of hospitals and surgeries. Often, makeshift new processes are developed around the old infrastructure. Through user shadowing and workshops, we determine the requirements for the new system in advance and then develop an individual solution that can be expanded as needed – without any vendor lock-in.

The iterative development of the system means that new products can be used in practice after only a short time.

What new opportunities does digitalisation offer us?

From digital patient records to management software and patient portals, digitalisation offers many new opportunities for transforming services in the healthcare sector. However, this is just the beginning. Once the systems have been moved to a modern IT infrastructure, new services can be developed using data science and machine learning to provide patients with even better care.

Does digitalisation make us vulnerable to cyberattacks?

Due to the decentralisation of processes and increasing networking of medical devices, the risk of unwanted interference with the infrastructure is also increasing. To protect patient data and other confidential information from cyberattacks, our security experts plan a robust system from the early stages of the project. Early implementation of these processes reduces costs, which can quickly arise in the event of subsequent adjustments.

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Yaren Sahin
Account Manager New Business
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Yaren Sahin

Your partner for digitalization in the healthcare sector

We customize every solution to your individual needs - for a more efficient, patient-centric future.

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Yaren Sahin
Account Manager New Business
  • Specialized e-health offering for hospitals
  • Effective data analysis and machine learning in workforce scheduling
  • State-of-the-art front-end solutions for patient-oriented services