
In the digital transformation, individual corporate strategies cannot be mapped with “one size fits all” solutions.

Kreis auf dem Applications steht
The high dynamics and complexity of the digital transformation can only be mastered with specific solutions that can also react adaptively to future requirements. Since it was founded, inovex has therefore focused on the development of individual, flexible software systems for companies.

Case Studies

Individual apps for digital transformation

Academy for Learning Pedagogy: The agile development of a video learning platform for children

Using agile methods, we developed a new learning platform for students and their parents together with the AfL.


Azena: Developing an IoT Ecosystem for Security Cameras

Together with Azena, we have developed an IoT solution for security cameras in order to be able to connect camera types from different manufacturers and systems and to install modern features on them using apps. The cameras independently take on tasks that go far beyond activating movement or counting people.


Smyle: Agile Development of a Comedy App with Intuitive Content Discovery

Using a target-group-focused approach, inovex worked with ProSiebenSat.1 Digital GmbH to implement a snackable comedy app, one which shows its users comedy clips in an intuitive way. State-of-the-art technologies and an agile project setup enabled the team to advance the innovative concept to a testable stage in the shortest possible time and to publish it in a timely manner.


Südzucker: Developing a self-service app for sugar beet cultivation

As the largest sugar manufacturer in Germany, Südzucker recognized the potential for digitising the delivery processes and thus ensuring greater transparency for its growers. With inovex’s assistance, an app solution which both met these requirements and provided a central information platform was created – in just six months: beet2go.


Get in touch!

Dominik Helleberg

Head of Mobile Development and Smart Devices