Mobile Web

The Apple and Google app stores play a key role in the unprecedented success of smartphones and tablets – and thus in the spread of the Digital Transformation.

Apps maximise the specific properties of operating systems and devices to provide users with the most convenient experience possible. Mobile Web browsers, too, are becoming increasingly significant as interfaces, not least because just one server Application is required for all platforms. Specific Apps for iOS or Android, on the other hand, are installed “products” which must be technically maintained and monitored over the long term. Depending on the digital strategy involved, a web solution for mobile browsers may be a better solution. We analyse the initial situation and the goals, present the advantages and disadvantages of App and Mobile Web, support you in making technology decisions and develop the solution within the optimum technical setup.

Technology Stacks

Mobile – Android
  • Application Development (Smartphone / Tablets / Wear / TV / Auto)
  • Adaptive UI / Material Design
  • Interaction Design according to the Android Design Principles
  • OpenGL ES
  • Renderscript
  • Native Development (NDK)
  • Google Cloud Messaging
  • Mapping & Geolocation
  • App Analytics
  • Crash Reporting
  • Automated UI Tests / Continous Integration
  • Android System Customization
  • Full Stack Performance Analysis & Performance Optimization
Mobile – iOS
  • iPhone / iPad
  • SWIFT / Objective C
  • OpenGL ES
  • CoreData
  • SOAP und REST
  • Push Notifications
  • Crash Reporting
  • Automatisierte Tests und Build-Management
  • Jenkins CI
  • CocoaPods
HTML5 Apps for Mobile Devices
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • SVG
  • Apache Cordova
  • Sencha Touch
  • Sencha Touch Charts
  • Siesta Tests
  • AngularJS

Get in touch!

Tobias Joch

Managing Director