Ai-enabled Apps

We assist app manufacturers and AI artisans in realising the full technical potential of state-of-the-art, AI-powered apps.

Whether in communications, work, or entertainment, the smartphone is becoming the most significant AI interface. Often, however, apps fall short of their own capabilities.

inovex: where apps meet AI

Leading app manufacturers are successfully building on new technologies, such as augmented reality or object and image recognition, in their products. The wider market, however, is slow to take advantage of the capabilities of the latest generations of smartphones. In many cases, the problem is less a lack of good ideas and more a lack of the requisite knowledge for using and integrating artificial intelligence.

Our recognised experts have extensive experience in implementing AI-enabled apps and related technologies such as TensorFlow Lite. In order to find the optimal solution in each case, they not only use established systems, but they also carry out research to expand the possibilities for implementing AI in apps. Our assistance enables our customers to create faster, more future-proof app functions.

Apps for AI solutions

Manufacturers of AI systems can leverage our expertise to realise their plans for new apps. We’ll put your AI solution into practice! Our UI/UX qualifications makes us the perfect development partner. We will embed your solution into an attractive, customer-centric interface and work with you to jointly create a new app. All our offerings are part of a comprehensive range of digital services.

Our offer for more AI in apps

We are perfectly positioned to respond flexibly to the project requirements of our customers – no matter where they are in the product development process. Once the idea for a new function or app has been floated, we can use our workshop offerings to sharpen the vision and develop concrete product ideas.

We are happy either to place our experienced teams at our customers’ disposal or to support their existing teams, both during the solution implementation process and later during DevOps operations.

Intelligent hardware enables novel approaches

The latest advances in smartphone hardware performance have opened the doors for new approaches in app development. Today’s smartphone hardware can perform a variety of AI tasks, including:

  • Text recognition: intelligent autocomplete and predictive text, read-aloud functions
  • Image recognition: recognition of vouchers and gift cards, image captioning, conversion to text
  • Object recognition: measuring of objects and furniture, size advice for online shopping
  • Augmented reality: previewing objects in spaces


AI creates new shopping experiences

We have helped customers deploy their solutions to create new online shopping experiences. One project involved the creation of an app function which uses smartphones’ object recognition capabilities to facilitate and personalise mobile shopping.

As the project leveraged new smartphone functions which were not yet extensively used and tested, we carried out pioneering research. It was a success: by extending the scope of functions, we were able to exceed our customer’s expectations.

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Yaren Sahin
Account Manager New Business
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I look forward to your inquiry.

Yaren Sahin

We develop your individual AI-enabled app

Talk to us about the possibilities of integrating AI into your apps.

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Florian Wilhelm
Head of Data Science, Contact for Data Management & Analytics
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Yaren Sahin
Account Manager New Business