
Agile working methods and continuous delivery are the key drivers of speed and quality when it comes to the integral development of digital services.

What is DevOps?

The so-called ‘DevOps’ idea actually describes a corporate culture – free from hierarchies and silo mentalities – that focuses on effective collaboration of development and operations with the aim of quickly implementing stable, high-quality software.

Various requirements must be met in order to be able to develop software in short sprints in the agile sense. From the automation of development processes (continuous integration) to productive operation (continuous delivery), all steps are automated so that multiple deployments are possible throughout all stages in two- to four-week sprints. The infrastructure resources needed for this must also be made available in an automated manner within these short cycles.

Individual teams for individual tasks

For your individual projects, we assemble cross-functional teams made up of developers (Dev) and system engineers (Ops) with long-standing experience of setting up and operating fully automated application platforms and infrastructures. Fast feedback cycles and short information and decision-making channels guarantee that you are always kept in the picture about the how the project is progressing and ensure that it is possible to react flexibly to short-notice project changes.

Thanks to our deep understanding of the technology, we can devise and implement a tailored architecture that also enables new product features to be developed and tested during the sprint. Our experts are constantly monitoring and evaluating new technologies and developments on the market. We get to grips with the latest technologies at an early stage and implement them in conjunction with our clients.

Agile Methods

DevOps in der Praxis

Our project teams have a shared understanding of the aims and approaches from the very beginning and gear their working methods accordingly towards them. Whether kanban or scrum, the teams always choose the optimal method of quickly and reliably dealing with the tasks in hand. In doing so, they are constantly focused on later operations at the data centre and the necessary quality characteristics.

Case Studies

DevOps in Action

ProSiebenSat.1: DevOps for the Channel Portals

ProSiebenSat.1’s online portals are among the most frequently visited networks in the German Internet market. The sites belonging to the group’s popular TV programmes receive more than 1.3 million visits every day. Behind this success is a sophisticated IT landscape which owes its setup, control and operations to the knowledge of inovex’s IT Engineering & Operations specialists. A close collaborative partnership between the two companies ensures a high level of quality.


dm-drogerie markt: Development of a Fully Automated Data Centre for the Online Shop

When a major brand like dm strategically enters the online market, it creates high expectations. For this reason, their IT subsidiary FILIADATA, which has been responsible for all dm’s IT systems since 1988, launched a project in 2013 which was aimed at laying the foundations for reliable, fail-safe IT operations for These included creating a large, fully automated Linux infrastructure in the data centre on which sophisticated web services like the online shop can be operated.


RTL Technology: Migrating and further developing the existing video-on-demand platform TVNOW

In a joint project with inovex, CBC would like to create a secure and innovative platform for the upcoming challenges in the TV / entertainment market. The aim is to move the platform to the cloud, to restructure the topics and teams and to switch to an agile way of working.


Get in touch!

Matthias Albert

Head of IT Engineering & Operations