Data and artificial intelligence workshop

By now, virtually everyone has heard phrases like “data is the new oil” or “artificial intelligence (AI) is the future”. But what does this mean specifically for your company or department? What do you have to do in order to work in a data-driven way and successfully leverage the potential of AI for yourself?

We help you identify the most promising data and AI use cases in your business model. We work with you to determine how to create the conditions for the meaningful use of data, methods and modern technologies at your company.

Figure stands in front of building with symbols above it

Goals of the workshop on working with data and AI

  • View of your business model

  • Survey of the data landscape/analytics

  • Knowledge transfer through keynote presentations by our experts (e.g. AI use cases in your industry, possible architectures for a data platform, agile development of data products, data quality analysis and assurance)

  • Deep dive into selected concrete use cases

  • Development of a roadmap for the next steps in dealing with data & AI

During the two-day workshop, we work with you to develop a roadmap that transforms abstract buzzwords around the data and AI hype into concrete work packages and next steps for you, so that you can successfully use data and AI in your business.

How the workshop is structured

In the first part of the workshop, we gain an understanding of your business model and your current vision. We also determine your general orientation in the area of data & AI. To do this, we analyse your current data landscape and infrastructure together with you. Furthermore, we provide insight into the various application areas of data and AI through keynote presentations tailored to your needs. To make the workshop as practical as possible, we always work with individual client data when sharing our expertise in these topics.

Taking the insights from our first workshop day, we go into depth on the second day and identify the use cases that are attractive for our clients, which we then elaborate further. Based on this, we work with you to develop a roadmap elucidating the next strategic steps for your business so that you can create added value from your data.

How clients leverage the workshop

Goal: concrete understanding of how data & AI can be used to advance their business

Methods used: status quo analysis of the data landscape & analytics; structured brainstorming; detailed elaboration of use cases; prioritisation; roadmapping

Result: identification of potential data & AI use cases and development of a roadmap to achieve the goal of using data & AI effectively as a company; general knowledge building on AI and orientation in your own data world

Target Group: managing directors, heads of departments or divisions, product owners/managers