Product development workshop

Many companies face the challenge of holding their own with their products in the digital age. In an increasingly dynamic market, speed and flexibility in product development increasingly determine success. New products must therefore be designed as quickly as possible and with a strong focus on the user.

Illustration: man next to a circle of product symbols

Our product development workshop

With our workshop, we help companies with this process. A multitude of methods help us to address your individual needs and to tie in with the respective phase in which new product ideas currently are.

Rough ideas or resources may already be available, but there is no precise orientation. In this case, we help assess the ideas according to relevance and develop a vision with you before planning the next steps together.

Once a vision and a rough idea are in place, we can start with the product discovery phase, hone the later product and tailor it to the target group. For this we use methods such as Design Sprint. With this, we help you from the problem/idea to the first prototype in five days. This allows you to gain valuable insights from the market and the intended target group prior to development. Result: time and cost savings through a more focused development phase and greater chances of success for the later product.

How the product development workshop has already been used 

Goal: Development of kollabo an internet platform that helps to improve teacher-parent communication.

Methods used: A prototype was developed and tested within a short time using Google Design Sprint.

Result: Conception, development & testing of a prototype, elaboration of the next steps.

Case study: Kollabo

Get in touch!

Collin Rogowski

Head of inovex Academy